I criticised Islam's torture of animals - Green "animal activist" Elisa Aaltola encouraged racists to attack me in the name of Islam!
Yesterday I wrote about how Islamists in Finland are running ritual slaughterhouses with no criticism whatsoever, slaughtering illegally and torturing animals against the law.

Yesterday, when I raised the fact of how every crime, abuse and even terrorism committed by Islamists is looked down upon by "tolerant" people in Finland, the bull's-eye fell on the "animal rights" activists of the Green Party who tolerates Islamists.
I did not write about any one person in particular, only about the Finnish backward “tolerant of Islam” ideology in general, also known as "wokeism”.
I wrote:
- "Finnish Halal meat
Animal torture rituals in the name of desert demon is so "Finnish" and "animal-friendly" that no Green or animal rights activist will say a word against it.
Islam is so wonderful that even a vegan eats lamb to avoid ‘Islamophobia’.
But apparently in this country, no brave informed refugees are allowed to criticise any white ethnic Finnish racist Islamism-promoting Green "tolerant", i.e. neo-Nazi, because the dong will bump, and the neo-Nazis will get angry, painting refugees - and trying to label them for whatever. Instead of condemning the sick Islamic ritualistic torture of animals.

Elisa Aaltola, a Green activist, started to target me for racist friend of hers, my replies were filled with slanderous messages from her fascist friends, slandered me as “far right”, denounced not the ritual torture of animals by Islam - but me; a refugee and an immigrant who opposes the torture of animals in the name of Islam, and criticises it and the fascism of native Finns.

- ”Look, Yasa got his account back - wonder how long he will talk this time!”, said the Green racist opposing my freedom of speech, instead of condemning animal abusing islamists.
These Finnish Greens, so-called 'animal rights activists', i.e. obvious fascists, do not address the obvious Islamist problem I have raised, do not speak out, do not address the criticism, but attack the person, the messenger, are racist and try to hide all their perversity.
So that not a single critical word is said about the Islamists, the allies of the fascists of the Greens.
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