USA: Left-wing BLM founder converts to Islam on the eve of Ramadan
The founder of the US radical, racist and far-left movement "Black lives matter" converted to Islam on the eve of Ramadan to gain attention and support from Islamists.
The unholy alliance between the Western left and Islamism, which experts, former Muslims, integrated immigrants from the Middle East and liberal critics of Islam have been warning about for a decade, is becoming increasingly evident as the founders of the radical leftist movements in the West of the last decade turn in turn to Islam.1
Videos and photos posted on social media of BLM founder, white skinned millionaire Shaun King, and his wife, apparently speaking Arabic, a creed, with the imam dressed in traditional Muslim garb, went viral last Sunday, as the former "anti-racist Christian pastor" was now said to be "embracing Islam".2
Islam and Sharia law are known for 1400 years of the Islamic slave trade of African peoples, calling blacks "servants" / "abdi"/ "slaves", "raisin heads" and the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of black Africans to this day in Arab monarchies governed by Sharia law, according to the rules laid down by the Koran of Islam itself.3
Not to mention the ongoing genocide, forced conversion, rape and enslavement of black African Christian minorities in Nigeria by Islamic jihadist terrorists of Arab background.4
The level of "race relations" and division and radicalism in the US has not been this bad for decades. Anti-Jewish demonstrations of force by the far left and radical Muslims supporting the Hamas terrorist organisation are a daily occurrence on the backward university campuses that once gave rise to the BLM movement and the 'woke'.
Now all the radical movements of the far left and Muslims seem to be merging into a single Islamo-leftist religious fascism.5
The social media account, which has more than 200 000 followers and describes itself as sharing "positive stories about Muslims", posted video footage of Shaun and his wife Rai King and the following message: "Author and activist Shaun King and his wife have embraced Islam. Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest)".6
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On Islam, the United States and propaganda
One of the most important acts of Islam is "Dawah"7, or conversion work, which is believed to cleanse the Muslim of his "sins" if he causes the unbelievers to embrace the "Ummah", or the declaration of faith "Shahada"8 to Allah and "his messenger the Prophet" Muhammad.
New converts are called "returnees", as Muslims believe that every person is "born Muslim to begin with" and "corrupted into other faiths". Converts are 'love-bombed' and praised and glorified in the cultic way.9
The fair-skinned, Westerners, especially female converts, are held in high esteem, as they can be used as examples and propaganda to convert others. Converts are less likely to know anything about Islam and end up as talking heads for radical religious and even terrorist disinformation.
Thus, the radical racist and divisive BLM movement, which is supposedly "anti-racist" on the far left, is now being harnessed to aggressively proselytise Islam, support terrorist organisations and tear Western societies apart from within.
Just as al-Qaeda's founder, the terrorist Osama Bin Laden, once said would happen, which US leftists have also begun to praise, including in TikTok videos, for his manifesto in which the terrorist painted Israel as a "genocidal state in Palestine" back in the day.10
Many conspiracy theorists, leftists, neo-Nazis, Putinists and Islamists believe that Israel, Mossad, the "Illuminati", Satan worshippers, Freemasons and "Jewish bankers" orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US in 2001, and Bin Laden was allegedly "completely innocent".
In reality, the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, repeatedly warned the US intelligence services of preparations for a terrorist attack, which the Bush administration allowed to take place in order to declare war on Iraq and accuse the country of a terrorist attack in accordance with the wishes of the Saudi monarchy.
Very ironically, Bin Laden was himself a Saudi Arabian and the Bush family is still to this day working with the Bin Laden family in many different industries in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia.11
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"Pro-Palestine" - the real purpose of activism
The person King speaks to in the video is "Dr. of Islam" Omar Suleimon, who identifies himself as an imam - a religious Muslim leader - who is "originally from Gaza", the same place controlled by the bloody Sharia law-following Hamas terrorist organization that murdered more than 1200 Israeli civilians, elderly, children and women, and kidnapped hundreds in a terrorist attack in 7.10.2023 to torture and rape as hostages according to the commandments of Islam as defined by the Koran.
In addition to defending Hamas and far-left racist activism, the announced conversion is particularly significant because Shaun King has previously spoken openly about "how important Christianity was to him".
In a Facebook post from 2016, Shaun King wrote that he was a "Christian" who was "actually a pastor for almost 10 years". In another Facebook post just over a year later, Shaun King wrote that he was "a Christian pastor for almost 15 years".
According to the website of the Islamic Society of North America, Shaun King was formerly "pastor of the Total Grace Christian Center in DeKalb County, Georgia".
According to data from a 2018 Pew Research Center study, many more Muslims typically convert to Christianity than vice versa.12
The global membership of Islam is declining as more and more people turn away from the religion after realising its radicalism. At the same time, the factors that grow Islam, such as the high birth rate, the death penalty under Sharia law for leaving islam, the difficulty of criticising Islam and the low level of female education, sustain and increase the number of followers.
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